01.  Name in Full:               Sammu Shanaka Anuradha

02.  Name with initials:      S. S. Anuradha

03.  Address:                      1/13, Sunflower Gardens, Welipitimodara Road, Gintota

04.  Contact Numbers:       0776434181    0718187480

05.  E-mail:                         shanakamrt@gmail.com


06.  Age:                             21 years

07.  Date of Birth:              24-08-1987

08.  Sex:                              Male

08.  Marital Status:            Single

10.  Education:                  

a)      Schools:                 Richmond College-Galle

b)      GCE (O/L):             7A’s &1B

c)      GCE (A/L):             3A’s

d)      University:             University of Moratuwa

Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering

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